高速値下げ ETC端末も割引과거...../nhk 2009. 3. 13. 21:42
ETCを付けた自動車やオートバイを対象に今月28日から全国の高速道路の料金が値下げされるのを前に、12日からETCの端末を購入する費用を割り引くキャンペーンが始まりました。 全国の地方の高速道路は、今月28日からETCを付けた自動車やオートバイを対象に土曜と日曜、祝日に限り、原則1000円を上限に何キロでも利用できるようになります。これを前に、ETCの普及を図るため、12日から全国およそ1万店のカー用品店などで、車に搭載する端末の購入費用を自動車で1台当たり5250円、オートバイで同じく1万5750円を助成するキャンペーンが始まりました。このうち、横浜市の首都高速道路・大黒パーキングエリアでは、首都高速道路会社が、この助成にあわせて車に搭載するETCの端末を無料にするキャンペーンを行っています。別に取り付け費用がかかりますが、通常1万5000円程度する端末が無料とあって、平日にもかかわ..
3.2(화) On or off Campus?과거...../ebs easy english 2009. 3. 4. 00:37
Hey, guys, where are you going to live this year? You mean, on or off campus? On campus? No way! What do you have against living on campus? Ummm...everything! There are way too many rules and not to mention the food Yeah, there were too many rules last year. Mike, you definitely have to live off campus this year. It's way better. Trust me! He's a kind, intelligent, not to mention handsome man. I..
3.1 드디어 개학이구나과거...../일기 2009. 3. 1. 23:21
오늘은 3.1.....이다 3.1절로 기념하기보다는 ..나로써는 내일 있을 개학이 약간은 더 신경이쓰인다. 취업도 그렇고..공부도 그렇고...공부에서 특히 영어부분이 ..많이 걸리지만 열심히 할것을 다짐하며~~ 오늘의 일기를 마친다. ---한가지--- 방금 유트부 동영상 mbc노조가 작성한 동영상을 보았다. 참 여러나라 언어로 우리나라의 법이 잘못되었다고 전세계에 알리는 동영상이였다. 어찌 저리도 유치한지...중국말로 중국인에게 알리는 부분이 제일 유치했다. '왜이래 ..아마추어같이!!'
2.28 Do It Yourself과거...../ebs easy english 2009. 3. 1. 00:16
This time I won't make a mistake. This time you've gone too far. I dindn't even know they were engaged Nothing I didn't even know it was my birthday Have you forgotten already? Have you forgotten what they did to you? Is there something wrong with my bag? Something;s wrong with this computer If you've got a great idea for a new product, please tell us. This is so pretty and a great idea for any ..
2.27(금) Now You're Talking!!!과거...../ebs easy english 2009. 2. 27. 23:59
What's your plan for Valentine's day? I've got a great idea for a Valentine's date! Really? Please, do tell! Why don't we go out to eat and then see a movie? Oh, honey. Now your're talking Let's go to Tom's Diner and then see Terminator 4. Ugh! I give up! Here's a great idea for leftover food. I have a great ida for making money A weekly date night is also a great idea for couples. This is a gre..
2.26(목)Want to Go Bowling?과거...../ebs easy english 2009. 2. 26. 11:25
So, where are you taking me for valentine's Day? Wnat to go bowling? Are you serious? What's wrong with bowling? It's just about the least romantic activity I can think of. Then, how about going to the batting cages? You are clueless!! Don't you think there is something wrong with him? He doesn't know what's wrong with it. Something's wrong with the fridge. There's nothing wrong with my phone. W..