react native에서 realm을 사용해야 할까??2020~2022/개발 2020. 3. 1. 07:04
사실 예전부터 realm이 좋아서 네이티브앱을 개발할때 한번씩 사용했다.
근데 요즘 속도때문에 react native를 많이 쓰는데 내부 디비를 활용할 일이 있어서 realm을 썼다가 매번 realm의존성때문에 결국 한달정도 이용하다가 sqlite로 변경했다.
GCDWebServer오류가 계속 뜨는데..... realm@3.3.0버젼을 제외하고 버젼을 업하면 무조건 에러를 뱉어낸다.
내가 못했을 수도 있지만 당분간은 react native 에서 realm 을 활용하면 안될듯 하다.
아래는 realm에러날때마다 버젼 지우고 다시 설치했던 방법들인데 그냥 일단 까먹을까봐 작성을...
ur team has included the pods related files into the Git version management.
@tisfeng if I understand you correctly, you're comitting the projects ios/Pods directory to your sourcecode repository? As I understand it, there are competing approaches on this - I think https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9446644/what-goes-into-your-gitignore-if-youre-using-cocoapods outlines the pros and cons. Would you be open to considering not doing that, to see if this fixes the issue?
I searched my ios/Pods directory for absolute paths (which is often the root cause of such an issue) and I found that ios/Pods/Target Support Files/RealmJS/RealmJS.xcconfig does indeed contain an absolute path. Although this is for the React headers, so if this was the cause of your issue, I would have expected a missing React header, not a missing Realm header.
A fix for this might actually be in the Podspec already, please try:
Installing realm from NPM
Open the node_modules/realm/RealmJS.podspec and remove the comment from line 77 and comment out line 78
Run pod install and commit + push as you would normally do.
realm 에러
so what i figured out is that realm does not completely remove itself with simply yarn remove realm if someone knows how to completely scrub realm from my project, appreciated.
yarn remove realm